For older items, see News archive January - June 2010, News archive 2009, News Archive 2008 and News Archive 2006-2007.
Latest update of this archive: 10 February, 2017
Equatorial Guina Zakumi Stamp
Among the many countries issuing stamps showing the FIFA World Cup mascot Zakumi in 2010, we also find Equatorial Guinea. The stamp is in a set of 4 stamps issued for the event in South Africa. We do not know the exat date of issue for this stamp, but if you do, please let us know.
Reported by Geir Arveng
A Leopard in the Museum
A local PAP (Prêt-à-Poster / Pre-stamped envelope) was issued in Rouen in (we believe) the second half of 2010. We have, unfortunately, no ordering information for this issue (we've had no luck at the central post office in Rouen).
Lalit Kala Akademi - Lion on First Day Postmark
India issued a stamp dedicated to the Lalit Kala Akedemi - or the National Academy of Arts in New Delhi on 31 December 2010. The INR 5.00 stamp does not show any cats, but the First Day Postmark shows a Lion Statue.
Reported by Geir Arveng
The German private postal operator Mailcats of Erfurt continues its tradition of issuing a Christmas Miniature sheet with stamps in all its standard letter denomination. The MS is composed of a block of 6 stamps and 2 stamp-sized lanels forming a composite design with the marginal labels of the Mailcats 'Phantom Cat' riding a sledge with phantom kitten'.
The stamps are denominated
The MS is sold for EUR 6.50 (franking value 5.25).
At the time of writing, the MS is not available at the Mailcats' e-shop (unfortunately no credit cards), but you can order by e-mail or by writing to:
Johannesstr. 156
DE-99084 ERFURT, Germany
Tel.: +49 361 4306704-0
Fax: +49 361 2623791
Reported by Geir Arveng
VIIth Asian Winter Games
The VIIth Asian Winter Games takes place in Kazakhstan in January, and Kazpost marks the occasion with a stamp issue 21 December 2010.
The games' mascot is a snow leopard called Leo Irbi, and he is featured in three of the forur stamps. There's a KZT 190 stamp showing Leo doing Freestyle Skiing, and two KZT 240 stamps where he's doing ski jumping and figure skating respectively. The stamps are sold in a sheetlet with 2 sets of stamps.
The stamps (but not the shettlet, it seems) are for sale from the Kazpost webshop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo
The 35th International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo will take place from 20 to 30 January 2011. The occasion is marked by a EUR 0.75 stamp issued 20 December 2010.
The cat is not obvious on first look, but there's actually a little Tiger clinging to the elphant's trunk.
The stamp is presented at the web site of the Monegasque Stamp Office, and will also be for sale in their web-shop after the date of issue.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
62nd Anniversary of Roccafiorita
The Sicilian commune of Roccafiorita celebrates its 62nd Anniversary on 8 December 2010. Poste Italiane honours the occasion with a special postmark. The postmarks show the commune's coat of arms with a heraldic lion.
Italian special postmarks are normally available for 8 weeks after the last date of use, and this one can be ordered by sending addressed mail franked with Italian stamps to:
Poste Italiane
Filiale di Messina 1
Servizio Commerciale/Filatelia
SS 114 Km 5.47 Pistunina
IT-98125 MESSINA, Italy
Refer to postmark no. 2189 ("Bollo N. 2189").
Italy/San Marino/Vatican: EUR 0.60
Europe/Mediterranean: EUR 0.65
The Americas and other countries in Asia and Africa: EUR 0.85
Oceania: EUR 1.00
Reported by Marco Carelli
Jaipur Tiger Postmark
The Rajastam Philatelic Exhibition - RAJPEX 2010 - was arranged in Jaipur, India from 2 - 5 December 2010. For the final day of the exhibition, a special postmark showing a Tiger was in use.
Unfortunately this postmark came to our attention too late for advance orders.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Latvian Christmas Cat
On 3 December 2010 Latvijas Pasts issues this year's Christmas stamps. The LVL 0.35 stamp (inland B-rate (Economy)) shows a girl decorating a Christams tree while a semi-long haired cat watches.
The cat can also be found on the central horizontal marginal labels on the 10-stamp sheetlet.
The stamp and related products are for sale in Latvijas Pasts' web-shop.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Mythological Lion Costume from Laos
On 2 December 2010 Laos issued a set of four stamps (issued also in a miniature sheet of four stamps) commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the City of Luangpapang being approved by UNESCO as a part of the World Heritage.
The LAK 10000. stamp shows two costumes of KEO SING KHAM (MYTHOLOGICAL LION). The same character can be also found on a 2001 Laos stamp. These costumes are traditionally used during a ceremonial procession on the occasion of traditional Laotian festivals.
Reported by Greg Balagian
The Year of the Cat is Approaching
Allmost all over the World, East Asians are looking forward to 2011 as the Year of the Rabbit - but in Vietnam, It's the Year of the Cat!
This is marked by the Vietnamese Postal Service with a set of two stamps issued 1 December 2010. The stamps are denominated VND 2000 and 10500 respectively, and both show a stylized cat.
There's also a cat in the First Day Postmark, as well as in the FDC cachet and on official Maximum Cards. We have also heard that there are imperforate versions of the stamps, but we haven't seen any pictures yet.
Reported by Geir Arveng
On 30 November 2010 Posta Moldovei issued a set of stamps dedicated to "Animals Disappeared from Moldovan Fauna". Amongst the species shown are two prehistoric cats, namely an MDL 1.20 Eurasian Cave Lion (Panthera leo spelaea) and a MDL 8.50 Sabre-Totthed Cat (Homotherium).
The MDL 8.50 stamp comes from a 4-stamp Miniature Sheet.
There are no cat references on the FDC cachet or in the postmark, but Posta Moldovei issued one postcard for each stamp, which allowed for some nice Maximum Cards.
Reported by Greg Balagian
Samson and the Lion and Prestige Booklet from Israel
In a series of three stamps dedicated to stories from the Bible, the Israeli Post issues a stamp depicting Samson and the Lion on 21 November 2010. All stamps in the set are denominated ILN 1.70. As usual with Israeli stamps, there are tabs below the bottom row of stamps in each sheet, and for this issue the artwork flows from the stamp into the tabs in a composite design.
On the same day a prestige booklet entitled "Jerusalem from Generation to Generation". It contains reprints of various stamps issued during the last 15 years and was sold for ILS 49.00 (the stamps' denominations adds up to about ILS 41). There are no lions in the stamps, nor in the panes containing them, but you will find two lion items on the interleaves. To be exact, on both sides of one interleave.
The first item (descriptios from the booklet): "The Temple candelbra, from the "Regensberg Chumash", Bavaria, Germany, circa 1300 CE". There are lions on each side of the base.
The second item: "Temple implements on a glass and gold plate, Jewish Catacomb, Rome, Italy, 4th century CE". There are two lions on the upper part.
Reported by Nahum Sheresehevsky
Saint-Etienne Pre-personalized Stamps
On 20 November 2010, La Poste in France issued a sheetlet of pre-personalized stamps dedicated to Association sportive de Saint-Etienne (Saint-Etienne Sports Club). The so called "collector" contains 10 stamps good for inland postage up to 20g (EUR 0.58 on time of issue). The stamps show various versions of the club's logo, many of which have shown a Panther. All in all the sheetlet contains four Panther stamps. The Sheetlet is sold at EUR 9.90 in post offices in the region, as well as from La Poste's online boutique.
Reported by TS Tan
18 November 2010:
A Lion Lidded Ding from Taiwan
Reported by TS Tan
16 November 2010:
Raon L'Étape - Winged Lion
12 November 2010:
Centenary of the Latvian Republic
Latvia approaches its celebrations of the centenary of the Latvian Republic in 2018. In a set of 3 stamps issued 12 November 2010, one of the stamps shows Latvia's Coat of Arms with its Lion and Griffin. The stamp is denominated LVL 0.38.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Azeri Kittens
AzerPost has just issued the 2010-set that so far leads in getting your webmaster's 'cutometer' ticking frantically.
In a set of 6 stamps and one single-stamp miniature sheet issued 8 November 2010, we're offered no less than seven adorable kittens and a caring mom.
The denominations and breeds are as follows:
AZN 0.10 Scottish Fold
AZN 0.20 Persian
AZN 0.30 Somali
AZN 0.40 British Shorthair
AZN 0.50 Sacred Birman
AZN 0.60 Maine Coon
AZN 1.00 Turkish Angora (MS)
Reported by Geir Arveng
Christmas Island Beijing Sheetlet
Reported by Geir Arveng
Provincial Fauna and Flora of Indonesia
On 5 November 2010, Pos Indonesia issued a new installment in their series of Flora and Fauna of the Indonesian Provinces. The stamp for Jambi features a Sumatra Tiger. The stamp is denominated IDR 1500, and it is issued in sheetlets of all 11 stamps in the set (in various denominations), as well as in sheetlets of 20 INR 1500 stamps (four designs) with a large central label upon which you'll also find the Tiger.
There's nothing about the issue in the Indonesian Philatelic Webshop yet, but it is normally updated within a couple of weeks after an issue.
Reported by Geir Arveng
On 4 November 2010 the Romanian Post issued a set of stamps to commemorate the 130th anniversary of freemasonry in Romania.
The set of stamps consists of two stamps denominated RON 3.00 and 5.00, respectively, and the RON 3.00 stamp shows a Heraldic Lion in the Coat of Arms of the National Grand Lodge of Romania.
The Coat of arms is also shown on a central label of the sheetlets, as well as on the FDC cachet.....
.....and on the cover of the Presentation Pack (Phiatelic Folder).....
.....and also on the fron of the information leaflet from Rofilatelia.
The issue is presented at Romfilatelia's website.
Reported by Silviu Popovici
Swiss Stamp Day
4 November 2010 is Stamp Day in Switzerland, and naturally the Swiss Post marks the occasion with a stamp issue. The CHF 0.85 miniature sheet shows the Zähringer Fountain in Berne. The standing bear on the fountain has a golden lion rampant on his banner and shield.
The lion rampant is also the motif for the pictorial postmark.
A postal card, "Greetings from Berne," has an imprinted stamp of the bear fountain and heraldic lions. The cachet on the reverse side is a 19th century painting of Berne with its symbolic bears. You can purchase these items online from the Swiss Post.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Duostamp Tiger from Belgium
In a set of WWF Duostamps (stamps with pre-personalised labels), bpost offers a Tiger in a real close-up. The Dustamp is one in a set of five issued 2 November 2010. The stamp is denominated 1, which is the basic inland letter rate for Belgium (EUR 0.59 on issue).
The set is sold at EUR 4.99 (franking value 2.95) at the bpost online store.
Reported by Geir Arveng
On 1 November 2010 Jersey Post issues 3 new self-adhesive definitives showing heraldic lions within an outline of a map of the island.
The three stamps are all NVIs, denominated "Standard Letter" (0.36 on issue), "Priority Letter" (0.39 on issue) and "UK Letter" (0.45 on issue), respectively.
The stamps are sold in boxes of 100.
The heraldic lions are from the Jersey Coat of Arms, which can be found on the FDC cachet and the Presentation Pack (sold at GBP 2.20).
The stamps and related items are for sal at the Jersey Post Online Shop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
A Lynx from Sindelfingen
During the annual stamp fair in Sindelfingen, Germany, there'll be a special exhibition called "Animalistic Philately". The exhibition marks the 20th Anniversary of the Zoological Workgroup of the German Thematic Association.
That's interesting to thematic collectors in general, of course, but of special interest to us is the Lynx in the special postmark marking the occasion. It will be in use at the show 29 October 2010, but can also be ordered by mail by sending your letters and card to:
Niederlassung PHILATELIE
Sonderstempelstelle Weiden
DE-92627 WEIDEN, Germany
Refer to "Sonderstempel 19/509"
Letters/cards should be franked with official German stamps issued by Deutsche Post and denominated in Euros. Stamps must be placed in the "normal stamp position" on the address side. Internet franking is NOT allowed.
Postage rates:
Germany: Postcard EUR 0.45 / Letter EUR 0.55
Europe: Postcard EUR 0.65 / Letter EUR 0.70
World: Postcard EUR 1.00 / Letter EUR 1.70
Reported by Geir Arveng
South American Cats from Guinea Bissau
The smaller South American Cats are not frequently featured on stamps, but in a set of Wild Cat stamps from Guinea Bissau issued 28 October 2010, we receive quite a pack.
There's a sheetlet of 6 stamps in various denominations:
XOF 350: Colocolo
XOF 450: Kodkod
XOF 500: Tiger Cat
XOF 500: Margay
XOF 700: Jaguarundi
XOF 900: Geoffroy's Cat
Furthermore there's a Miniature Sheet with 2 x XOF 1500 stamps, both showing the Andean Mountain Cat. The two stamps have different background colours. There are also three cats on the selvedge. The scan we have seen does not allow for reading the descriptions, but we think they must all be Ocelots.
Reported by Geir Arveng
In it's fourth installment of it's series of characters from the comic. This installment consists of a booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps denominated A (inland letter up to 50g - CZK 10 at the time of issue) showing the series feline star, My
pulín. The previous issues in this series were 26 May 2010, 16 June 2010 and 1 September 2010.
Mypulín can also be found on the cachet and in the First Day Postmark.
The booklet is presented at the Czech Post's website.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Singapore Festival Stamps
Singapore Post has announced the date of released for the 2010 Festivals stamps (20 October), featuring the festivals of the 4 main religions in the country - Chinese New Year, Christmas, Hari Raya Aidifitri & Deepavali. The stamps are gum-backed, and the 1st local of each design will also be released as self-adhesives in stamp booklets.
Only the 1st local (no-value indicator) of the Chinese New Year stamp features a paper-cut design with the chi-lin, or a lion-like creature. Translations for this creature can become lion dog or even unicorn.
Reported by TS Tan
Exfilna 2010 - Lion MS from Spain
Spain issues a single-stamp miniature sheet for the Philatelic Exhibition Exfilna 2010 in Madrid. The EUR 2.49 MS is issued 18 October 2010. The stamp is absolutely feline free, but the famous lion sculptures of Madrid Landmark Cybele Fountain is featured in the exhibition logo on the selvedge.
The logo and the Lions are also featured on a commemorative postmark used throughout the exhibition.
The issue is presented at the Spanish Post's Philatelic Webpages.
Reported by Greg Balagian
Singapore - China Joint PSE Issue with the Merlion
As part of celebrating 20 years of diplomatic relations, Singapore and China join hands in a joint issue of a pre-stamped envelope on 18 October 2010. Featured on the joint commemorative prepaid envelope are stamp impressions of the national flags of China and Singapore, the imprints of their respective national flowers - the peony and orchid, and the iconic landmarks - the Bridge of Suzhou and the Merlion can be found in the cachet.
The Singapore envelope is denominated SGD 2.00 and sold at SGD 3.00. Also available on sale is a special folder containing both the envelopes from China and Singapore which costs SGD 6.00. Orders can be made at SingPost’s online shopping portal vPOST.
You can find further information in SingPost's press release for this issue.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Two US Cat Postmarks
For October there are two US Postmarks showing cats, both for local philatelic exhibitions.
The postmarks can be obtained by sending addressed post cards/letters franked with US stamps to the addresses given below each postmark within 30 days from the date of use.
Postage rates:
US USD 0.28 (post card) / USD 0.44 (letter)
Canda/Mexico: USD 0.75
World: USD 0.98
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Tigger on GB Children's Books Stamp
On 12 October 2010 Royal Mail issues a stamp set dedicated to Children's Books. For long we thought that this would be the GB Europa stamps this year, but we curiously do not see the Europa logo on any of the stamps.
The set is dedicated to A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh and his friends from the 100 Acres Wood. One of these friends are of course Tigger, and the GBP 0.97 stamp shows him and Pooh having breakfast on Tigger's first morning in the wood, when it is established that in the dietary field "Tiggers like everything ...... except honey".
Apart from on the GBP 0.97 stamp, Tigger can also be found on the Presentation Pack. The pack contains information about Milne and his characters, as well as the 6 stamps and the 4-syamp miniature sheet. It is sold for GBP 7.50.
Furthermore there's a set of 10 "stamp-cards" re-producing each stamp design in postcards size.
The stamps and other items are available from the Royal Mail Online Shop.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
11 October 2010:
UPAEP National Symbols
National Symbols is the theme for this year's UPAEP stamps. Spain issued its stamp on 11 October 2010. The stamp shows the Spanish CoA inside a flag-coloure ribbon and is denominated EUR 0.78.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Snow Leopards from German Private Operator
The German newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung is a licensed private postal operator in the greater Leipzig area. In ccoperation wit the Leipzig Zoo they issued a semi-postal stamp on 11 October 2010 to raise money for the Snow Leopard Breeding programme the zoo takes part in. The stamp, denominated EUR 0.48 + 0.07, shows a Snow Leopard cub, and is issued in ordinary self-adhesive sheets, as well as in a little Presentation pack with explanatory text abou the project.
Reported by Stefan Köhlingen
Caribbean Netherlands' 1st Issue
A new country - and heraldic lions on stamp no. 1.
Following the dissolution of tne Netherlands Antilles in October 2010 we had three new stamp issuing entites. Curaçao; Sint Maarten and Caribbean Netherlands.
Caribbean Netherlands is formed by three of the former Netherlands Antilles Island Districts, namely Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius. They now have the constitutional status of "Special Municipalities of the Netherlands", but will issue their own stamps denominated in USD.
Their first issue, however, was released on 10 October 2010 and is denominated in Antilles Guilders. A single ANG 1.11 stamp was issued showing maps of the islands, Queen Beatrix and the Dutch Coat of Arms with its Heraldic Lions. The CoA is also printed on two gutter labels in the stamp sheet.
The USD became the official currency on these islands from 1 January 2011.
Similar stamps were also issued for the new independent countries of Sint Maarten and Curaçao (no lions there). We have found no information about the postal administrations responsible for the issues, but suppose that the Nieuwe Post NA still handles the mail......
Reported by Geir Arveng
Åland Red Cross Christmas Cards
Åland issued a set of pre-stamped Christmas cards and envelopes for the benefit of the Red Cross on 8 October 2010. One of the cards shows a Christmas Gnome sleeping in a sledge with a cat on the picture side. The Card is pre-framked for worldwide postage (EUR 0.90 on issue).
The set of cards and envelopes are for sale from Åland Post's online store.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Russian PSE with Lynxes
On 7 October 2010 the Russian Post issued a pre-stamped envelope showing three Eurasian Lynxes. I actually believe this handsome family group to be the same we saw in the 2009 Moscow Zoo Postcard. The PSE is denominated 'A' - the inland letter rate (RUB 10.50 on issue).
The PSE is presented in the Russian Post's online catalogue.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Bremen Town Musicians
As part of the celebrations of 20 years of German unity, a special postmark was used in Bremen showing the famous sculpture of the Bremen Town Musicians. Amongst the musicians in the folk tale is a cat. The postmark was in use 2 and 3 October 2010. Unfortunately it came to our attention too late for ordering.
Reported by Geir Arveng
1100th Anniversary of the Roots of Léon
A special postmark was in use in Léon, Spain on 1 October 2010 to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the Kingdom of Léon. The postmark shows the Lion of Léon. Unfortunatly this postmark came to our attention too late for ordering.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Coats pf Arms of the Danube River
In the second installment of the series Coats of Arms of the Danube Rive, the Romanian post issued a RON 2.10 stamp showing the Bulgarian Coat of Arms. The stamp is part of a series of four stamps. The other stamps in the set show the CoA of Serbia, Moldova and the Ukraine (no catss in any of them).
Reported by Geir Arveng
Ukrainian Medical Association Centenary PSE
Sanrio's 50th Anniversary Hello Kitty MyStamp Collection
On 30 September 2010 SingPost issued a new set of pre-personalized MyStamps featuring Hello Kitty and her Friends to celebrate Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary. The set consists of 4 sheets with 4 stamps (as far as I could interpret the pictures). The Hello Kitty & Friends MyStamp Collection, priced at SGD 59.90, features Hello Kitty and other famous characters of Sanrio’s family - My Melody, Kuromi, Badtz-maru, Cinnamoroll and Little Twin Stars. It contains four sheets of MyStamp featuring the Sanrio family celebrating Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary, four pieces of Birthday invite cards, eight pieces of A6 envelopes, four sheets of letterpad paper and 1 sheet of stickers. The collection is encased in a hard cover album.
Further information and pictures in the SingPost press release.
Orders can be made at SingPost’s online shopping portal vPOST. Unfortunately it seems that orders for this product are only accepted for Singapore residents.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Coat of Arms of Lida
In the definitive series of Belarus Coats of Arms, Belpochta issued a BYR 1400 stamp. Lida lies in Westerm Belarus, and the stamp shows a Heraldic Lion in its CoA. The stamp is issued in sheetlets of 9.
The CoA is also present in the FDC cachet.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Peruvian Year of The Tiger Stamps
On 15 September 2010 Peru's Serpost issued a set of two stamps, each denominated PEN 0.20. The stamps were issued se-tenantly.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Nepalese Year of the Tiger Stamp
Reported by TS Tan
925th Anniversary of Hückeswagen
The German town of Hückeswagen celebrates its 925th anniversary in September, and this is marked with a commemorative postmaerk for the Altstadtfest (Old City Festival) on 11 and 12 Septembet 2010.
Unfortunately this postmark came to our attention too late for ordering.
Reported by Geir Arveng
The Orient Express
A joint issue between Austria and Romania sees the light on 6 September 2010. The issue features the Orient Express, the famous train route that once linked Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul). The Austrian stamps are each denominated EUR 0.65 and issued in a 2-stamp Miniature Sheet. The stamps themselves do not feature any cats, but the Orient Express' crest with two heraldic lions can be found on the selvedge and on the First Day Postmark.
The Austrian MS and FDC is for sale at's online shop.
On the Romanian side the stamps are issued both in sheetlets and in a miniature sheet with the same design as the Austrian one. The Romanian stamps are denominated RON 2.40 and 4.70.
The crest can also be found on the bottom marginal labels of the Romanian sheetlets.
There's also a joint souvenir card with both stamps from both countries cancelled with First Day Postmarks.
The Romanian issue is presented at Romfilatelia's website.
Reported by Philately News and Geir Arveng
On 1 September 2010, the Czech Post issued its third installment in the ongoing series featuring characters from the popular Czech comic book . This issue consists of a sheetlet with 9 stamps with peronalizable labels. The stamps show all 4 main characters, including the cats scientist My
pulin, whi is also featured on the prototype labels, as well as on the upper Right label of the sheetlet. The stamps are denominated 'A', which is the inland postage for letters up to 50g (CZK 10.00 at time of issue).
Mypulin can also be found on the FDC cachet and in the First Day Postmark.
The issue is presented at the Czech Post's Philateic web-pages.
Reported by Geir Arveng
On the occasion of the Prageu Collectors' Fair 'Sbratel', a CZK 10.00 pre-stamped postcard has been issued. The card's cachet shows a cartoon dog and a cartoon cat dancing under a Prague night sky. The fair took place from 2 - 4 September 2010, and the postcard was reportedly issued 1 September 2010.
The card is presented amongst other philatelic items with the Czech Post's press information about the fair.
Reported by Geir Arveng
60th Anniversary of the Sri Lanka Central Bank
Vladivostok Coat of Arms
In its ongoing series of definitives showing coats of arms of Russian towns and cities, the Russian Post issues a RUB 7.70 stamps showing the coat of arms of Vladivostok.
The CoA prominently features a Tiger.
The First Day Postmark also shows the CoA, and there are two versions to collect, one from Moscow and one from Vladivostok itself.
The issue is presented at the Russian Post's online catalogue.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
US Tiger Postmark
The Blanket Tigers is the sports team for Blanket High School in Blanket, Texas. According to Wikipedia, they compete in football, basketball and track. On 27 August 2010 the team was celebrated by a commemorative postmark in their hometown.
The postmark is available until 26 September 2010 by sending addressed envelopes franked with US stamps to:
U.S. Postal Service
Tiger Station
801 Main St.
BLANKET, TX 76432-9998
Postage rates:
US USD 0.28 (post card) / USD 0.44 (letter)
Canda/Mexico: USD 0.75
World: USD 0.98
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Tuvalu Tiger
On 25 August 2010 Tuvalu issued a miniature sheet with 4 stamps dedicated to Expo 2010 in Shanghai and to the Year of the Tiger. The stamps are all Tiger free, but on the selvedge you will find a leaping tiger.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Cats and Kittens from Israel
Israel issued a set of stamps called Animals and their Offspring. The set consists of 6 stamps denominated ILS 1.70 (inland letter rate), issued in a sheetlet with decorative gutter and margins. The set shows hens & chickens, cats & kittens and rabbits & kits, with one row of stamps dedicated to each of the species, forming a composite design with the marginal and gutter labels.
The offspring of all three species are also found in the First Day Postmark.
The sheetlet is available in the Israeli Post's online store.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Lyo and Merly on Moldovan PSE
Moldova joins the many postal administrations celebrating the Youth Olympics in Singapore with a stamp or postal stationary issue. On 21 August 2010 Posta Moldovei issued a pre-stamped envelope denominated MDL 1.20 (inland letter rate).
Reported by TS Tan
Zoo Outreach Organisation Silver Jubilee
The Zoo Outreach Organisation celebrates its silver jubilee (25th Anniversary) this year. The occasion was marked by a commemorative postmark used in Coimbatore, India on 18 August 2010.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Joint issue Romania - Argentina with Puma
Romania and Argentina each issued a series of stamps showing mountain lakes. There are no cats on the stamps themselves, but the Romanian stamps are issued in sheetlets of 8 stamps with 2x4 attached labels showing flora and fauna of each country.
Two of the labels of the sheetlet with RON 2.10 stamps shows a Puma.
Reported by Nahum Shereshevsky
Youth Olympic Games Singapore 2010
The FIFA World Cup and the Commonwealth Games are not the only sport events with feline mascots this year. Singapore is host to the first ever Youth Olympic Games, and the mascots of the games are both (at least partly) feline.
Lion Cub Lyo (pronounced "Leo") and Merlion Cub Merly do their utmost to bid athletes and fans welcome, and naturally they also make their way onto stamps and philatelic items.
Singapore Post is first in line with a set of four stamps issued 14 August 2010. The stamps are denominated 1st Local (SGD 0.26 on issue), SGD 0.65, 1.10 and 2.00 respectively.
The mascots are also prominently featured on the FDC, both on cachet and in postmark.
There's also a MyStamp Sheet with the stamp set and pre-persoanalised labels showing the official Singapore 2010 emblem and the two mascots. We assume they also can be ordered with personalised labels. The mascots are also on the selvedge. This sheet sells for SGD 15.50 in Singapore and SGD 14.49 to foreign addresses (excl of GST). Franking value is SGD 4.01.
The Presentation Pack contains the set of stamps and information about the games and the stamp issue. The PP is sold at SGD 5.90/5.51.
There's also a Commemorative Pack, containing a book about the games and the stamp issues, as well as all stamps issued by Singapore Post since Singapore woon the bid for the games (also previous stamp issues). The Commemorative Pack is sold at SGD 59.90/55.98.
The stamps and other products are for sale at the Youth Olympic Games official online store.
Reported by TS Tan
The russian Post has previously this year issued two pre-stamped emvelopes showing Russian cat breeds, namely a Siberian Cat in March and a Russian Blue in June. This time it's the turn of a modern Russian breed, the Neva Masquerada. The PSE, issued 12 August 2010, is denominated A - inland pstage for lettters up to 20 g - RUB 10.50 on time of issue (RUB 11.00 from 1 August 2010).
The PSE is listed in the online catalogue of the Russian Post.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Lyo and Merly - Romanian Version
On 12 August 2010 Romania issued a Miniature Sheet on occasion of the First Olympic Youth Games in Singapore. The single-stamps MS is denominated at RON 8.10 amde features the two games mascots Lyo (a Lion Cub) and Merly (a Merlion Cub) on the selvedge.
The mascots are also featured on the FDC cachet.
Read more about the issue at Romfilatelia's Homepage.
Reported by TS Tan and Philately News
Lyo and Merly from Sri Lanka
Heraldic Lion on Corsican PSEs
Two pre-stamped envelopes - marketed in France as PAPs (Prête-à-posters) - was issued for the "Festival of the Dominican Convent" on 8 August 2010 in the Corsican village of Corbara. Both shows the Coat of Arms of Corbara with a Lion Rampant.
Unfortunately we have no order information for these two covers, but know that they were sold at a temporary post office with a commemorative postmark during the festival.
You could, however, try contacting the local post office at:
La Poste
Corbara BP
Au Bourg
FR-20256 CORBARA, France
Tel.: +33 4 95 60 06 40
Reported by Geir Arveng
Tajikistan Lynx and Tiger
Tajikistan issued a set of stamps devoted to fauna and philately on 2 August 2010. The issue consists of 4 stamps and 2 labels issued se-tenantly in a Miniature Sheet. There are cats on two of the stamps, namely a Eurasian Lynx on a TJS 3.00 stamp and a Tiger on a TJS 4.50 stamp.
The labels are dedicated to the philatelic exhibitions Bangkok 2010 and Portugal 2010.
We have seen the MS in perforate as well as imperforate versions with different animals in the lower margin. The perforate sheets we have seen all have a Tiger on the central label, whereas the imperforate MS has a Lynx in the same position. Whether this is the perf/imperf pattern, or whether there are other combinations of labels between the perf/imperf versions, we do not know.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Vietnamese Fishing Cats
Fishing Cats are not among the most pictured of the small wild cats on stamps, but on 1 August 2010, the Vietnamese Post gives us a set of 4 stamps dedicated to this Asian species. The stamps are denominated VND 2000, 2500, 4500 and 10500 and are all official WWF stamps carrying the Panda Logo.
The stamps are issued in both perofrate and imperforate versions. They are sold in sheets of 25 stamps, as well as in sheetlets with two sets printed se-tenantly.
There's a local FDC with the foir stamps with Fishing Cats also in both cachet and postmark..... well as a set of 4 rather attractive maximum cards.
The stamps and the maximum cards are for sale from the WWF Stamp Shop. The FDCs we have only seen on Delcampe.
Reported by Geir Arveng
South Korea Philatelic Convention
27 July 2010:
Heraldic Griffin from Kazakhstan
The Old City of Baku
Azerbaijan issued a set of stamps picturing the Old City of Baku. The set consists of two sheetlets with six stamps each and a single-stamp miniature sheet. The MS, denominated AZN 1.00 shows bas-reliefs of two lions on the selvedge. We have not been able to identify whether these are renditions of an actual piece of art or merely a design feature.
Reported by Geir Arveng with supplementary information from Greg Balagian
50th Anniversary of Lions International in San Marino
The first Lions Club meeting in San Marino took place in 1960, and t mark the 50th anniversary of the organisation in the country, San Marino issues a set of two stamps 26 July 2010.
The stamps are denominated EUR 0.36 and 0.60 and shows the Lion Club Logo as the "0" in the 50th anniversary logo.
We have heard rumours that the First Day Postmark also will contain the Lions Club Logo, but we haven't seen it yet, and the FDC is not listed or shown at the official San Marinese Philatelic Website.
Updated 4 October 2010: We finally got our hands on an FDC, and there's indeed a Lions Logo in the First Day Postmark.
The stamps can be ordered from the AASFN website.
Reported by Geir Arveng
German Youth Olympics Special Postmark
The German Post celebrated the German part of the Youth Olympic Torch Ceremony in Berlin with a special postmark on 24 July 2010. The postmark shows the Singapore 2010 mascots Leo and Merly.
Unfortunately this postmark came to our attention too late for ordering.
Reported by Geir Arveng
24 July 2010: Argentinian Children's Drawings
Sweet Dreams Special Postmark
In Stuarts Draft, VA there's an annual event calles Sweet Dreams Day. This year's event is honoured with a special postmark in use 24 July 2010. The postmark shows a young girl with a baloon, walking with a cat at her side.
US commemorative postmarks are normally available for 30 days, and this one can be acquired by sending letters or postcards franked with US stamps to:
U.S. Postal Service
Sweet Dreams Station
PO Box 9998
Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-9998
Postage rates:
US USD 0.28 (post card) / USD 0.44 (letter)
Canda/Mexico: USD 0.75
World: USD 0.98
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Pskov Coat of Arms
A special postmark was in use in the Russian city of Pskov on 21 July 2010. Since we do not understand Russian, we are not certain about the occasion (or even whether it's a permanent pictorial postmark).
The postmark shows a detail from the Pskov Coat of Arms with a Heraldic Leopard.
Reported by Geir Arveng
Lions International Distruíct 108 YA arranges a seminar on charity in Pompei, Italy on 17 July 2010. Poste Italiane honours the occasion with a special postmark.
Italian special postmarks are normally available for 8 weeks after the last date of use, and this one can be ordered by sending addressed mail franked with Italian stamps to:
Poste Italiane
Filiale di Napoli 3
Servizio Commerciale/Filatelia
Corso Meridionale, 56
IT-80143 NAPOLI, Italy
Refer to postmark no. 1068 ("Bollo N. 1068").
Italy/San Marino/Vatican: EUR 0.60
Europe/Mediterranean: EUR 0.65
The Americas and other countries in Asia and Africa: EUR 0.85
Oceania: EUR 1.00
Reported by Marco Carelli
Garfield & Hobbes
The USPS has allready been really generous towards catstamps collectors in 2010, and on 16 July they continue with a set dedicated to the comic strip characters of the "Sunday Funnies". The set consists of 5 USD 0.44 stamps, of which 2 shows feline characters. One stamp shows Jim Davis' world famous Garfield and his slobbering canine sidekick Odie.
The other catstamp features your webmaster's favourite comic strip Tiger, namely Hobbes, as allways acompanied by Calvin - the couple starring in Bill Waterson's daily strip Calvin and Hobbes.
The stamps and other philatelic material will become available from the USPS online store as the date of issue approaches.
Reported by Marci Jarvis
15 July 2010: Togolese Year of the Tiger
Cats of Vanuatu
Vanuatu Post issues a set of four stamps on 14 July 2010 dedicated to the Cats of Vanuatu. New Zealand based designer Denise Durkin has made a nice set from pictures of local cats from the island nation.
The VUV 100 stamp shows the famous cat Boots from Port Vila where he works at War Horse Saloon, counting and ringing bells for an amazed audience. His little act has taken onto TV screens throughout the Pacific.
The stamps and the FDC is for sale at Vanuatu Post's web-shop.
Reported by Geir Arveng
12 July 2010: The British Arch of Valparaiso
11 July 2010: Bangladesh World Cup Stamps featuring Zakumi
Cat'n Around Catskill 2010
The town of Catskill, NY celebrates it's annual Cat'n Around Catskill festival, and the event is as ususal marked with a commemorative postmark. US commemorative postmarks are normally available for 30 days, and this one can be acquired by sending letters or postcards franked with US stamps to:
U.S. Postal Service
Cat’n Around Catskill 2010 Station
270 Main St.
CATSKILL, NY 12414-9998
Postage rates:
US USD 0.28 (post card) / USD 0.44 (letter)
Canda/Mexico: USD 0.75
World: USD 0.98
Reported by Marci Jarvis
Zakumi on Northern Cyprus Stamp
Northern Cyprus issued a set of two stamps for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. The TRY 2.00 stamp in the set shows Zakumi, the cup's Leopard mascott.
Reported by Geir Arveng
The History of Famous Italian Tennis Racket
An exhibition called "Castle - The History of Famous Italian Tennis Racket opens on 1 July 2010 in the Italian town of Castelfidardo. The postmark shows the castle from the town's coat of arms supported by two Heraldic Lions.
Italian special postmarks are normally available for 8 weeks after the last date of use, and this one can be ordered by sending addressed mail franked with Italian stamps to:
Poste Italiane
Filiale di Ancona
Servizio Commerciale/Filatelia
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 2
IT-60123 ANCONA, Italy
Refer to postmark no. 998 ("Bollo N. 998").
Italy/San Marino/Vatican: EUR 0.60
Europe/Mediterranean: EUR 0.65
The Americas and other countries in Asia and Africa: EUR 0.85
Oceania: EUR 1.00
Reported by Marco Carelli
For older items, see News archive January - June 2010, News archive 2009, News Archive 2008 and News Archive 2006-2007.